Saturday 12 September 2015

 #Jobber Notification : 

1. According to the formal definition, which of the following is true? 

1. (n+3)(n^2+5)= 0(n)

2. None 

3. (n+3)(n^2+5)= 0(n^3) 

4. (n+3)(n^2+5)

Answer : (n+3)(n^2+5)= 0(n^3) 

2. A syntax error is flagged during run-time 

1. No clear demarkation. Can occur anywhere depending on language 

2. Can be either run-time or compile time 

3. False 

4. True 

Answer : False

3. A data manipulation command that combines the records from one or more tables is called 

1. Select 

2. Project 

3. Product 

4. Join 

Answer : Join

4. A statement pattern which is neither Tautology nor a Contradiction 

1. Contigency

2. Duality 

3. Well-formed formula 

4. Antecedent 

Answer : Contigency

5. Data independence means 

1. Both (B) and (C) 

2. Programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data 

3. Programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data 

4. Data is defined separately and not included in programs 

Answer : Both (B) and (C) 

6. ________ is a set of instructions that tells the computer how to do a task. 

1. a program 

2. a compiler 

3. a data structure 

Answer : a program

7. According to the formal definition which of the following is true, 

1. 3n^2+8n+2=0(n^2) 

2. 3n^2+8n+2=A(n^2) 

3. 3n^2+8n+2=0(n^2)

4. All of the options 

Answer : All of the options 

8. A foreign key column can have the ________ as the primary key column

1. Different Name 

2. Same Name 

3. None of the options 

4. Both same name and different name 

Answer : Both same name and different name

9. Algorithm generates 

1. At most one output 

2. Zero or one output 

3. At least one output 

4. No output

Answer : At least one output

10. Define Relationship. Its an 

1. Association between Entities 

2. Association between Elements 

3. Association between Database 

4. Association between Attributes 

Answer : Association between Entities 

11. A program that takes basic computer instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits that the computer's processor can use to perform its basic operation is known as

1. Linker 

2. Loader 

3. Compilers 

4. Assemblers 

Answer : Assemblers

12. A computer mouse generally has a small wheel called _______ for moving up and down the pages 

1. iwheel 

2. Scroller

3. None of the options 

4. Mouse-wheel 

Answer : Scroller

13. 4, 3, 2, 1, 6 are the elements are planning to insert in a queue. What will be the front element M the queue after 2 inserts and 1 delete operations? 

1. 3

2. 4, 3

3. 4

4. 3,4

Answer : 3

14. A ___________ is a circular Plate constructed of metal or Plastic coated with magnetized material. 

1. Magnetic Tapes 

2. Magnetic Disk 

3. RAM 

4. ROM

 Answer : Magnetic Disk

15. A program in execution is called 

1. Process 

2. Paging 

3. Demand page 

4. Virtual memory 

Answer : Process

16. A data dictionary includes? 

1. Information about system data 

2. All of the options 

3. Project requirements 

4. Procedure Logic 

Answer : Information about system data 

17. Algorithm may take 

1. Zero inputs 

2. Only one input 

3. Zero or More inputs 

4. No inputs

Answer : Zero or More inputs

18. A _______ is a part of a computer bus. used by CPUs for communicating with other devices within the computer. 

1. Address Bus 

2. Data Bus 

3. Control Bus 

4. External Bus 

Answer : Control Bus

19. Choose the correct option to define SELECT Statement 

1. To drop the table 

2. To retrieve data from the table 

3. To delete data from the table 

4. To create a new row data in the table

Answer : To retrieve data from the table

20. A part of the program makes use of a function in one of the built in class library. Which phase does the invocation of class library happen ?

1. Execution time 

2. Link time 

3. Load time 

4. Compile time 

Answer : Link time 

21. Acceptance testing means 

1. Testing performed on a single stand — alone module or unit of code 

2. Users test the application in the developers environment 

3. Testing after changes have been rnade to ensure that no unwanted changes were introduced 

4. Testing to ensure that the system meets the needs of the organization and the end user 

Answer : Testing to ensure that the system meets the needs of the organization and the end user 

22. Advantages of multi-processor system is/are 

1. Resource sharing 

2. All the options 

3. Increased Reliability 

4. Increase in throughput 

Answer : All the options 

23. A compound statement that is always false is a 

1. Contradiction or Contigency 

2. Contradiction 

3. None of the options 

4. Contingency 

Answer : Contradiction

24. Validation involves which of the following

i. Helps to check the Quality of the Built Product
ii. Helps to check that we have built the right product.
iii. Helps in developing the product
iv. Monitoring tool wastage and obsoleteness.

1. i,ii,iii are true and iv is false 

2. iii is true and i,ii,iv are false 

3. ii is true and i, iii and iv are false 

Answer : ii is true and i, iii and iv are false 

25. If stack contains 2, 3, 1,7,6,8 what will be the stack after performing 2 pop, pushing an element 3 into the stack. What are the elements in the stack? 

1. None 

2. 2,3,1,6,3

3. 2,3,1,7,3

4. 1,7,6,8,3

Answer : 2,3,1,7,3

25. The use of GOTO statement is prohibited in structured programming approach 

1. It's not prohibited but generally encouraged to use wherever possible 

2. True 

3. False 

4. It's not prohibited by rule, but generally avoided 

Answer : It's not prohibited by rule, but generally avoided 

26. How much testing is enough?. 

1. This question is easy to answer 

2. This question is impossible to answer 

3. The answer depends on the risk for your industry contract and special requirements 

4. This answer depends on the maturity of your developers 

Answer : The answer depends on the risk for your industry contract and special requirements 

27. Choose the correct option to define UPDATE Statement 

1. It does not support to modify the set of existing table rows 

2. Creates the new set of columns in existing table 

3. Modifies the values of particular columns 

4. Creates the new set of rows in existing table 

Answer : Modifies the values of particular columns 

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